From Fear to Honesty

Shanon M. Deyerle
4 min readApr 11, 2022

What if instead of fearing that the truth might break you, you considered it might break you open? — SMD

What does honesty have to do with my fears? Lots.

First of all, for a long time, honesty wasn’t part of my life. Now, don’t get me wrong — I was a “good girl” and I always followed the rules and told the truth. I never stole or acted with malice. I went to confession and told the priest EVERYTHING.

And yet … I didn’t always tell my truth.

That’s different from the truth, right? To me, the truth is about the facts of a situation, while my truth is about an inner experience, unique to me, that gives meaning to the facts.

I never shared that one.

Sometimes that was because my environment didn’t want to hear it (or so I perceived); other times it was because I chose not to share it as a means of self-preservation.

Either way, I didn’t feel I could tell the real story of what was going on inside of me because it didn’t feel safe, so I stopped listening to what that actually was. Over time, my truth, my realness … how I honestly felt and what I deeply wanted … all of that started to erode like sand pulled out with the tide, day in and day out.

So, fear stopped honesty from being part of my story.



Shanon M. Deyerle

Master’s in Counseling, JRNI Catalyst Coach. My work is about helping people find their power, place, and purpose. I write to help make sense of being human.